
Potsdamer platz berlin map

Map of potsdamer platz berlin. Potsdamer platz berlin map (Germany) to print. Potsdamer platz berlin map (Germany) to download. Potsdamer Platz, the former center of Berlin map, is today one of the most modern districts of the city. Potsdamer Platz, is one of Berlin liveliest squares in the past, was devastated during World War II and divided in two by the Berlin Wall. Today, the square of Potsdamer Platz has been completely reformed to its pre-war splendor.

Map of potsdamer platz berlin

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Potsdamer Platz in berlin map was the site of the development of a dense commercial and cultural activity during the 19th century. The square of Potsdamer Platz still preserves some remnants of this development, such as the first traffic light in Europe, which was operated manually. After the war and the construction of the berlin Wall, the ruined Potsdamer Platz became an abandoned wasteland. It was after the fall of the Berlin Wall that the square of Potsdamer Platz became an attractive building zone that architects used to construct a series of buildings emblematic of the new reunified Berlin.