
Pankow berlin map

Map of pankow berlin . Pankow berlin map (Germany) to print. Pankow berlin map (Germany) to download. Pankow is Berlin most populous borough, a place where everyone feels at home, from families to artists, visitors and revellers. With Berlin rapidly growing in the late nineteenth century, rural Pankow was a popular destination for a day out to escape the city tenements and crowds, and it was immortalised in some much-loved tunes of the day. Pankow (pankow berlin map) still offers many attractive leisure facilities today, with generous green spaces, parks and gardens – and even its own palace

Map of pankow berlin

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Today Pankow consists of the historically developed districts of Prenzlauer Berg, Pankow and Weißensee, which merged to become Berlin most densely populated district thanks to a territorial reform in 2001 (see pankow berlin map). With more than 400,000 inhabitants, it lies between Wuppertal and Bielefeld in a comparison of German cities. In the new federal states, only Leipzig and Dresden have more inhabitants. Pankow, which stretches from the so-called City-Ost on Alexanderplatz to the border with Barnim, can be described with certainty as a neighborhood of superlatives.