
Berlin transport map

Berlin public transport map. Berlin transport map (Germany) to print. Berlin transport map (Germany) to download. Berlin is very well served by public transport: the S-Bahn, U-Bahn, tram (Metrotram) and bus network covers berlin both day and night. Information on tickets, maps, fare zones and routes you can find it in berlin transport map. Berlin public transport system allows the use of all means of transport in the city with a single ticket. It is possible to switch between these different means of transport.

Berlin public transport map

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There are three fare zones in Berlin transport map: Zone A is defined by the area covered by S-Bahn trains and includes berlin centre. Zone B ends at the city limits of Berlin. Zone C includes the inner suburbs of Berlin (e.g. Berlin-Schönefeld Airport, Potsdam, Oranienburg). Day transport ticket: 7,00 Euro; reduced rate: 4,70 Euro 5-day ticket - WelcomeCard: 36,50 Euro 4 one-way tickets: 9,00 Euro Group ticket (max 5 persons): 19,90 Euro (day ticket).
It is essential to have a valid ticket before starting the journey with berlin transport map. Tickets cannot be stamped inside the train. Tickets have to be stamped in one of the stamping machines on the underground or S-Bahn platform (or inside berlin buses or trams). Getting caught without a ticket during a control in each of berlin means of transport (controls are often carried out by official controllers dressed in plain clothes) is an expensive and unpleasant experience. A French translation is displayed in the ticket machines at each station.
If you do not have a Welcome Card, which allows you to travel on berlin public transport for 2 to 6 days, we recommend that you buy a Tageskarte day ticket (€7-7.70 depending on the area in berlin transport map), which gives you complete freedom on the Berlin public transport network (BVG). The normal ticket costs between €2.80 and €3.40 (zones AB or BC or or ABC) and lasts 2 hours (discount; free for children under 6 years of age).