
Berlin train map

Berlin city train map. Berlin train map (Germany) to print. Berlin train map (Germany) to download. The S-Bahn is an urban transport network (berlin train map) consisting of metropolitan trains running on 15 lines, serving almost the entire city of Berlin. These trains would be the equivalent of Paris suburban trains. The S-Bahn and the U-Bahn of berlin are operated by different operators, but both share the same fares and can be used to reach most of Berlin tourist attractions.

Berlin city train map

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In addition to getting around the city centre of berlin, the S-Bahn or berlin train is an efficient means of transport for visiting nearby places of interest such as Potsdam, the Wannsee Conference House or the Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp in the municipality of Oranienburg (see berlin train map).
The S-Bahn or berlin train (designated S1, S2, etc.) runs less frequently than the berlin U-Bahn (see the berlin train map), but also makes fewer stops. It is better suited to long journeys. It runs from about 4 am to 12.30 am and all night on Fridays, Saturdays and public holidays. For the most distant destinations served by RB and RE trains, you will need a ticket covering the ABC zones or a Deutsche Bahn train ticket (01806 99 66 33). Tickets can be bought at ticket machines (no credit cards), in berlin stations or on the platforms, and must be stamped before boarding.
Berlin urban railway network (as its shown in berlin train map) consists of 15 lines totalling 331.5 kilometres of track and serving 166 stations. Berlin urban rail network or train is used by 388 million passengers annually. S-Bahn or Schnell-Bahn is berlin urban rail network, the equivalent of the Parisian RER. It also operates between 4 a.m. and 1 a.m. and has fifteen train lines for 166 stations.