
Berlin neighborhood map

Berlin neighborhoods map. Berlin neighborhood map (Germany) to print. Berlin neighborhood map (Germany) to download. Berlin is a sprawling city and it can be hard to get your head around. So it makes sense, that many tourists to Berlin can spend several days in the city without leaving Mitte, Berlin central neighborhood (as its shown in berlin neighborhood map). This means that street to street neighborhoods can have a different personality—and price tag. Central areas of Mitte can be pricey, as can trendy locations like Schlesisches Tor in Kreuzberg and around Kollwitzplatz in Prenzlauer Berg.

Berlin neighborhoods map

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Berlin distinctive character is particularly evident in its neighbourhoods (see berlin neighborhood map). Each neighbourhood has its own character, its own feeling. Kreuzberg is a magnet for many visitors to Berlin. Everyday life is shaped by diverse lifestyles and cultures. Oranienstraße is the neighborhood high street and offers a variety of shops such as book shops, delicatessen, cafés, pubs, restaurants, and the legendary club SO36. Discover the stark contrasts of this neighbourhood and its many rear courtyards on a walking tour from Kottbusser Tor to Görlitzer Bahnhof.
The German capital is divided into 12 districts (Bezirk). Each district is further divided into smaller neighbourhoods (see the berlin neighborhood map). The separation of berlin into the capitalist West and communist East during the Cold War led to its incredible diversity. Each berlin neighborhod has a unique vibe and personality.