
Txl bus route map

Berlin txl bus route map. Txl bus route map (Germany) to print. Txl bus route map (Germany) to download. The txl bus route (Direction: Flughafen Tegel as its shown in txl bus route map) has 9 stops departing from Robert-Koch-Platz and ending in Flughafen Tegel (Airport). Berlin txl bus time schedule overview for the upcoming week: Starts operating at 3:51 AM and ends at 11:58 PM. Berlin txl bus operating days this week: everyday.

Berlin txl bus route map

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Berlin txl express vus towards City Centre: txl bus route travels in six-minute intervals between Tegel Airport via Main Station (Hauptbahnhof) to Alexanderplatz as its shown in txl bus route map. Depending on the time of day the ride takes about 37 minutes. Fare: 2.80 Euros one way. Berlin txl bus fare for children between 6-14 years: 1.70 Euros.