
Berlin night bus map

Map of berlin night bus. Berlin night bus map (Germany) to print. Berlin night bus map (Germany) to download. Day and night, it is mandatory to show the driver your ticket. Night buses in berlin map (frequent and very numerous) run at the normal fare, but they often have special routes (map available at berlin U-Bahn stations). Their line numbers are preceded by an N (Nacht-bus). The berlin night bus lines, run from 12.30 am to 4.30 am on weekdays, 5.30 am on Saturdays and 7.00 am on Sundays.

Map of berlin night bus

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Whether after a concert, on the way to the next party or to the hotel: Buses and trains run at night in Berlin. S- and U-Bahn, however, only provide a 24-hour service on weekends. On weekdays, night buses and the Metrotram (berlin night bus map) take over and provide transport through the night. The most important bus lines in berlin have equivalent night bus lines. The night buses N1, N2, N3, N5, N6, N7, N8 and N9 roughly follow the U-Bahn routes.