
Bvg tram map

Bvg route map. Bvg tram map (Germany) to print. Bvg tram map (Germany) to download. The BVG Metrotram has nine lines (1 to 17) which are supplemented by 13 tram lines (12 to 68). The lines of the Metrotram are marked with a "M" (bvg tram map). On daytime these bvg tram lines run at least every ten minutes. At night (from 0.30 a.m.) they run in 30-minute intervals. BVG manages the city underground railway (U-Bahn), tram, bus and ferry networks. The company uses TETRA communications is its underground and Tetrapol in its overground operations.
With its 3,000 vehicles, the BVG tram transported 1,064 million passengers in 2016, more than 2.7 million passengers per day (bvg tram map). BVG tram chose its communication solution for its cost-effectiveness and technical capabilities. This public transport provider says that Airbus TETRA is the most cost-effective option to meet the functional requirements in the subway area with innovative digital mobile communications.