
Berlin map location

Berlin location on world map. Berlin map location (Germany) to print. Berlin map location (Germany) to download. Germany is in Central Europe with 3,757 km of borders and 2,389 km of coastline. The city state of Berlin location is in the Northern European Lowlands (North German Plain) along the Spree river in eastern Germany as itsshown in berlin map location. It lies within the state of Brandenburg. Germany capital city, berlin (again since 1990), has an area of 892 km² (344 sq mi) and it is, with a population of 3,4 million inhabitants, Germany largest city.

Berlin location on world map

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Berlin is the largest city in Germany, this expansive city is 8 times the size of Paris and encompasses an area of 889 square kilometers (as its shown in berlin map location). Berlin is the second most populous city proper and the eighth most populous urban area in the European Union. There is a population of 4.5 million within its metropolitan area and 3.4 million from 190 countries within the city limits.